Phone 021 171 6799
Address PO Box 674, Whangarei 0140, Northland

021 171 6769

About Us

The business of agriculture is increasingly more complex…

Every day as a farmer you are challenged to be the expert – whether it be in animal nutrition or human resources – this is the level of knowledge you must have. The opportunities are great, but there is also a lot at stake.

To partner you in your business, you may find you need someone outside the farm gate to complement your skill set and farm business processes.

Agri Specialists NZ

Sharemilking Arrangements

If you are seeking a sharemilker to fit your enterprise culture, or considering your next sharemilking position, with our experience and networks we will assist you discover the right business partner.  Our advice can be used to set up robust, financially viable Sharemilking Contracts.

And where a sharemilking contract is in place we can work with the parties to ensure agreed obligations are met, while also providing farm management support.  The desired outcome is the smooth progress of the contract relationship with all parties achieving their goals.

Farm Management Consultancy

Realising the full potential of your “cows and grass” is where our farm management consultancy begins.  Working with your farm team we will ensure your practices are at the leading edge, giving measurable results.

Farm Business Consultancy

Alongside you, and often with your other business advisors, we can work through the challenges associated with running a complex business.  It could be financial analyses, changing business structures, feasibility studies or creating a comprehensive, but simple business plan giving you a clear vision for your business over the next crucial few years.

HR Consultancy

Managing people can be one of the hardest tasks for any business owner.  Use our expertise to get the most out of your people resources.  Cover off those employer legal obligations such as Health & Safety and Employment Contracts, and at the same time put in place simple systems to attract, retain and develop the great people required for success.  Stay up to date with the latest employment law changes and other employment-related issues.

Staff Recruitment and Job Placement

We can help you find great people to work with you in your farming business using our professional processes.  Not only do we assist you to  arrive at the best recruitment decision, but we also can save you time and help cover off your responsibilities as an employer with our Employment Agreements and Job Descriptions.

Job seekers can also work through us to find that next great farm position where skills and experience are suitably matched.  A positive work environment with the appropriate employment paperwork in place is our placement goal.