Our Services

AgriSpecialists Services

Today, dairy farmers are operating larger and more complex farm businesses that involve much more than just growing grass.  Our goal is to add value; to ensure that you have the great people and best practice management in place for a robust farming business; a farming business with a good future.  Some of the key services we can provide for your business are:

Rural Recruitment and Human Resources

  • Finding great people for your farm positions using our professional processes
  • Covering off your employment obligations such as employment contracts and job descriptions
  • Ensuring you have protections in place with your agreements and policies
  • Putting in place systems to attract, develop and retain great people
  • Discovering  your next sharemilker or sharemilking position to complement your business
  • Human Resources Support in the areas such as induction, performance appraisal and remuneration
  • Covering off those compliance issues such as Health & Safety
  • Sourcing key rural professionals for your primary sector business through our network


  • Farm management systems advice – with your team get the basics of “cows and grass” performing to potential.
  • Business plans to “future-proof” your enterprise
  • Financial performance analysis and fine-tuning
  • Feasibility studies for major projects
  • Sharemilking agreement support – aim for a successful contract relationship
  • Investigate equity arrangements, sharemilking or other management options for your business

We know we aren’t the experts in every aspect of rural business… but we often know who is. So when you work with us through our network we can access for you a nationwide range of specialist advisers, leaders in their field.

"The business of agriculture is increasingly more complex!"

Contact us now to schedule an appointment.