Recruiting Great People

Recruiting Great People

Because we understand the rural industry, having worked in it for many years, our team have the skills and experience to make the entire hiring process straight forward.

Whether you are looking for a sharemilker to join your business, or if you’re after people with skills and that right attitude, a good result is possible when you use the professional processes of AgriSpecialists Recruitment.

Take a look at a few of the genuinely great people currently available; pre-screened and reference checked – they may fit your current business requirements.  However, generally we will recruit to your needs, the availability of experienced candidates is limited.

“A few years ago it was all about adopting the latest technologies on-farm.  Now, we have all come to realize that the difference between a “farming business” and a truly sustainable and profitable business is all about the quality of the people who work in that enterprise.  Our role is to help farmers find these people and then put in place systems to allow these people to reach their full potential”, Julie Gregson, AgriSpecialists.

Simply give us a call and let us start the process in order to attract the best candidates to your farm business vacancy right now.

For more details contact Julie Gregson on  021 867 149, or email

Our Recruiting Process

AgriSpecialists provide recruitment expertise across a broad range of job roles for the rural sector. We also provide additional HR support should you need it.

The recruitment and employment process can be time consuming, and carries with it a number of legal responsibilities.  AgriSpecialists delivers a service that works methodically through all the recruitment processes and compliance necessities on your behalf.   This means that the best calibre of candidates can be attracted to your position, and the “best fit“ people can be put forward for your final interview scrutiny.

Our recruitment process is outlined below.  But we are able to tailor this service to individual business needs and deliver to you components of the process.  For example, you may only need assistance with the final interviewing and selection process.

Our service may involve:

  • Preparation of a Job Description that details the required competencies and performance measures.   [ HOT TIP: These performance measures are important.  If your employee has a clear, upfront view of what good performance looks like, that is how it will be measured, it is far easier to achieve the expectation and manage performance issues. ]
  • Provision of an Employment Agreement and preparation of your business specific schedules.  Our employment agreements aim to stay abreast with New Zealand law and employment trends.  We will ensure that the employment agreement dovetails with your Health and Safety and other farm-specific policies.
  • Advertising and promoting the role on your behalf.
  • Screening of telephone and email enquiries generated. When you use AgriSpecialists it is possible to have privacy and anonymity for your business through the entire screening stages.
  • Receipt of Application Forms and CVs.
  • Telephone interviews with applicants.
  • Referee checking of short-listed applicants.
  • Selection of top candidates for formal interview with you.
  • Facilitating the formal interviews with you to establish the best candidate for the job.
  • Contacting successful and unsuccessful candidates to notify them of the outcome.
  • Preparing a ‘Letter of Offer’ for you to send to the successful candidate.
  • Regular communication with you as the process progresses.

We offer all of the above as part of the standard  recruitment process for your rural business, although we are always happy to adapt to specific client requirements if needed.

Our mission is to save your time and resources, and add our expertise and systems to ensure the best match of candidates and the meeting legal obligations.  For your reassurance please read our Code of Conduct

Call us to discuss your next recruitment project.  Please contact Julie Gregson on
Phone 09 433 7346 or 021 867 149, or email

"The business of agriculture is increasingly more complex!"

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