

Successful farm business – doing the right thing at the right time.Rodd Hodgson Director AgriSpecialists

But to achieve such co-ordination many farm operators are now looking beyond the farm gate for that essential guidance around running large, complex businesses.

This is what makes the team from AgriSpecialists the perfect partner for your rural business.  Our advisers have the experience “juggling those balls in the air”, and will give you the clarity and direction to move towards your goals with confidence.

We also find it important to work not in isolation, but in partnership with your other business advisers – your accountant, lawyer, banker, vet and fertiliser consultant.  People working together as a team are so much more effective, and this often makes all the difference between a business plan that goes into the draw and one that becomes your working blueprint for success.

Programs are tailored to your business needs.  Below are some of the ways in which we work as a consultant for your business, either on a one-off basis or as an ongoing programme.  Contact Rodd to discuss your needs: phone 021 761 739 or email

  • Farm Management

Realising the full potential of your “cows and grass” is where our farm management consultancy begins.  These programmes generally involve regular farm visits with a focus on the key management issues relevant to the season.  Aligning management and staff ideas around day-to-day management is crucial to achieving production targets. This is about your team buying into best industry practices and sharpening their decision-making skills.

  • Farm Business

Alongside you, and often with your other business advisors, we can work through the challenges associated with running a complex business.  It could be financial analyses, changing business structures, feasibility studies or creating a comprehensive, but simple business plan giving you a clear vision for your business over the next crucial few years.

  • One-Off Farm Assessment

Here our approach is to take a “helicopter view” of where your business is currently at.  Summarised in your report are the key aspects of physical, financial and people performance, and also how the business is positioned to meet future sustainability issues.  We then identify the opportunities for improvement, and develop suggested action plans and the critical areas of business focus.

  • Sharemilking Agreement Support

Where a sharemilking agreement is in place we can work with the parties to ensure agreed obligations are met, while also providing farm management support.  The desired outcome is the smooth progress of the contract throughout its term with all parties achieving their goals.

  •  Full Farm Management and Supervision

For those unable to be involved in the day to day operations of their business we can take overall responsibility for ensuring the farm is effectively managed. This can include both the physical and financial management of the business. This will involve an intensive farm visit program with a regular reporting schedule.

  • Equity Farming Arrangements

Talk with us about equity partnerships and how they may be a great option for your next stage in farming.  We can help the farm business owner investigate the opportunities, develop the required framework, and through our network access the right partner.  We have a large network of up and coming farmers who have expressed an interest in developing their farming career through the equity model; an arrangement beneficial to all.

  • Feasibility Studies

We will provide an independent and professional analyses and feedback on any major project you are considering for your business. This may include a major capital investment, or a significant change in farming system.

"The business of agriculture is increasingly more complex!"

Contact us now to schedule an appointment.